Upcoming Archery Programs for the VI

To promote the sport of archery, the VIAA will design a number of programs that individuals may enroll in on the attachment to the membership application form. We intend to design a program specifically for the youths, to begin at an early age right up to adulthood. We feel that the earlier we introduce our young athletes to the sport, the better chance we will have on the international scene.
1) Adult Basic Archery Program, (ABAP): This program will be for those individuals who just want to receive basic training and shoot leisurely. It will be designed to build self-confidence of the archer. Members enrolled in this program may enter local events.
2) Adult advanced archery program (AAAP): This program will be designed for the more serious archers, those who wish to enter regional and international events, Pan American games and even the Olympics
3) Junior Olympic Archery Program, (JOAP): This program will be designed to take young archers from the primary schools right through High School and beyond, beginning with the NASP and then onto advanced training. On turning 18, if they are being groomed for Pan Am and Olympic games etc., they will be moved to the AAAP.
4) Pee-Wee Archery Program, (PAP): Designed for the younger archers. They will be taught the basics and groomed for the JOAP program